Lots of information is available on the Internet with regards to how to start shooting.
Braces Shooting have put together some of the relevant local information here, in an effort to help make it simpler and get you started sooner.
Braces Shooting provide tailored tuition designed to match your individual ability and help you develop your own style. Our teaching is based on the teachings and style of John Pool, FITASC Veteran and Clay Shooting World Cup winner. However our instructors are able to use all techniques to adapt to suit every shot, whether your interest is in shooting game or clays.
You can book a one hour individual lesson with one of our experienced instructors.
Starting with the right technique from the outset will see you well on the way to becoming a great shot!
Having a Shotgun Certificate / Licence is not necessary to go shooting. However it is a very important step you must take if you wish to actually own your own gun and be able to shoot without supervision.
Any UK resident can apply to the police for a shotgun certificate.
Applicants do not have to prove they have a good reason for acquiring a shotgun, but the police can refuse if they think the reason is not genuine. That is why we always suggest you have been to our shooting grounds for a few shooting sessions before you apply. This will normally help the application process as you will have been instructed in gun safety.
Click here and fill out this online application form when you are done print it out.
If you require any help with the application process we will happily take a look at it with you. Bring it with you to one of our Sunday shoots or pop into the shop and one of our friendly staff members will gladly check it over with you.
By now with Braces, we should have a good idea of what type of shooting you are interested in and we will be able to guide you in purchasing a gun.
The Internet is full of peoples opinions on what is best for this and what is best for that.
The key is to ask the right questions. For example, instead of asking random people on a forum what gun they use for clay shooting (about as useful as asking someone their favourite colour) Visit us at Braces, our sales staff will be aware of the difference between facts and opinions and offer some experienced insight.
Remember the old adage that “free advice is worth every penny.”
Braces pride ourselves on giving good advice. We are here to make sure you get the right gun for you and it meets your requirements. We have a large stock of guns available for selection and when you are ready we are more than happy to bring them out on a lesson for you to try.
We see each and every customer as a customer for life. Braces Shooting and all of the employees pride ourselves on good customer service from start to finish.
Most importantly you will need something to store your gun in. Braces only sell what we consider the industries best gun cabinets.
For more information on the licence application process please watch our guide below.